Houston, TX 77070



Off-roading is a thrilling activity that requires a well-equipped rig with a good amount of ground clearance. Ground clearance refers to the height between the lowest point of the rig and the ground. Clearance is essential for a rig to traverse uneven terrain without getting stuck or possibly causing damage.

In this blog, we will discuss why clearance is important for going off-road and how it can affect your experience.

  1. Terrain: Off-road terrain can be very rough and unpredictable. The trail can be covered with rocks, boulders, logs, and uneven surfaces that can pose a significant challenge for a low clearance rig. A rig with a good amount of clearance can overcome such obstacles with ease.
  2. Rock Crawling: Rock crawling is an off-road activity that requires a rig to crawl over rocks and boulders. It is a test of a rig’s suspension system and clearance. If a rig doesn’t have enough clearance, it will get stuck, and its undercarriage can get damaged. With enough clearance, you can crawl over rocks and boulders without any issues.
  3. Water Crossing: Off-roading also involves water crossings. A rig with low clearance can easily get stuck in water, damaging the engine, and electrical systems. A rig with good clearance can handle water crossings without any issues.
  4. Mud: Mud can quickly bog down a rig with low clearance. A rig with high clearance can avoid getting stuck in the mud.
  5. Towing: Off-road activities like towing and hauling require a rig with enough clearance to handle the extra weight. A low clearance rig will struggle with the added weight and can damage the suspension system.
  6. Safety: Off-road driving can be dangerous, and a rig with low clearance can add to the risks by exposing the undercarriage to potential damage. Rocks and other high obstacles can cause severe damage leading to accidents or breakdowns. A rig with higher clearance, is able to be safer navigating through high obstacles and rough terrain without causing damage to the suspension of the rig.
  7. Comfort: Off-roading is a fun activity, but it can be a bumpy ride. A rig with low clearance can make the ride more uncomfortable, and passengers will experience more jolts, bumps and an over all rougher ride. A rig with high clearance can provide a smoother ride and increase the comfort of the passengers by not hitting objects on the undercarriage.

In conclusion, clearance is an essential factor when it comes to off-roading. A rig with good clearance can handle rough terrain, water crossings, rock crawling, and other obstacles with ease. A rig with low clearance can cause damage to the undercarriage and make the ride more uncomfortable. It is always a good idea to invest in a rig with good clearance if you plan to go off-roading.